The Import feature allows to import data into the system by uploading CSV files.
Clicking open Import modal
Catalog import modal consists of:
Entity type
Business rules - Catalog business rules (CSV import does not support linking test cases, can be done with API)
Objects - Catalog objects descriptions
Columns - Catalog columns descriptions
Column relations - Relations between columns
Column term relations - Relations between column terms
Terms - Business glossary terms
Term relations - Relations between glossary terms
CSV file
The format for the CSV file depends on the selected entity type.
Example - import Objects, the CSV should be structured as follows:
connection, schema, object, description
Ensure that your CSV uses the correct headers and follows this sequence.
Comma (,) - Use if CSV values are separated by commas.
Semicolon (;) - Use if CSV values are separated by semicolons.
File Upload
Select Entity Type: Choose the entity type to import from the dropdown menu. Each entity type corresponds to different data structures and requires specific CSV formats.
Upload CSV File: Click on the Upload button to select and upload the CSV file that matches the selected entity type. Ensure that file matches required format.