Data Observability platform Help

General settings


From General settings page you can:

  • Restart DQM - manual soft restart for DQM

  • Clear memory – manually clear used memory

From resource usage graph you can see:

  • red – current used memory

  • orange – memory occupied

  • green – total usable memory

  • black – CPU usage

System settings
  • System timezone – timezone used by the application

  • Server URL – URL that is displayed in HTML reports and alerts

  • Metadata update interval (minutes) – interval of automatic metadata updates for added connections

  • Connection status update interval (minutes) – interval of connection check for added connections

  • Enable guest view – if this is enabled, then guests can view dashboard without logging in

Execution settings
  • Parallel scheduled execution – Maximum number of scheduled executions in parallel (recommended 2)

  • Compare rows limit – maximum amount of database rows to be queried in compare test cases. This limit can be set to manage memory performance

  • Top N column values profiled – count of values that can be profiled for columns

Reporting settings
  • Exclude tests with status ‘error’ when sending alerts – Test cases with database error results are excluded when calculating test suite results to send alerts

  • HTML test suite report row limit in email content – Maximum number of detailed test rows included in email content (recommended 100)

  • Test case query result row limit – number of test case failed results saved into CSV file (recommended 1000)

  • Test suite HTML report results row limit – sample results displayed for a failed test case in test suite HTMLreport (recommended 10)

Data retention settings
  • CSV file history (days) – Test case CSV result files kept in local file system (recommended 29)

  • Test execution history (days) – Test case execution history data retention in days (recommended 60)

  • Test execution history (count) – Test case execution history data retention in count of executions (recommended 120)

  • Profiling execution history (count) – Profiling execution history data retention in count of executions (recommended 60)

AI assistant settings
  • Enable AI assistant – Whether AI assistant will be accessible

  • API endpoint – AI assistant API endpoint (OpenAI compatible API-s are supported)

  • Authentication type – API authentication type, either bearer token or api key

  • Authentication header name – Api key header name (Only for api key authentication type)

  • Authentication token – Api bearer token or api key value

Last modified: 04 September 2024